
The Earth is Flat

In high school, we had an assignment designed to teach about conspiracy theories. So here is my article about how the Earth is flat, age 17.

            Christopher Columbus is one of the oldest influential figures in American history. According to legend, his belief that the Earth was round led him to sail East for India, as he thought it would be possible to go around the whole globe and reach the other side. Unfortunately, his belief that one could reach India by circumnavigating the planet is as outdated as his “discovery” that the Earth is round. The discovery of flat Earth comes as a shock to many people, as longstanding tradition tells us that the Earth is, in fact, round. However, with modern scientific advancements, millions of people around the world are coming to realize that the Earth is indeed flat. It may seem crazy to challenge such a traditional idea, but bear with me, and I’ll explain the empirical evidence of flat Earth.

            The first thing we need to ask is: what is the actual shape of the Earth? It is actually a thick, flat disc, with the arctic in the center and the Antarctic making a ring around the edge. While this does pose a few questions, I want to discuss the evidence which supports flat Earth before addressing the (many) counterarguments. The most famous piece of evidence which supports flat Earth is the Bedford Level Experiment, conducted by Samuel Birley Rowbotham in 1838. Rowbotham was the first person to discover the true shape of the Earth; while he was laughed at by his peers at the time, people today are re-evaluating the accuracy of his experiment. The Bedford Level Experiment went like this: Rowbotham sat at one end of the Old Bedford River with a camera, while his friend sailed across the river. Rowbotham theorized that, if the Earth was round, his friend’s boat would begin to disappear under the horizon after traveling six miles. However, Rowbotham was able to see his friend completely throughout the entire length of the river. Many skeptics today have recreated this experiment, and found similar results. There was scientist named Alfred Russel Wallace who redid Rowbotham’s calculations, and, by accounting for “atmospheric refraction,” drew a conclusion which supported round Earth. However, this sounds to me like he was just modifying the equation to give the result that he wanted, and should not be considered evidence of spherical Earth.

            While flat Earth may seem like a crazy theory with very few believers, it actually has thousands of believers across the world. This is not limited to only crazy or uneducated people; there are multiple celebrities who believe flat Earth. This includes but is not limited to: Kyrie Irving, Tila Tequila, and rapper B.o.B. Mrs. Tequila has published several tweets which support flat Earth, pointing out, “Why are all the buildings in NYC straight up? If Earth was round then some of the buildings would have a slight tilt.” She also writes, “Nobodys [sic] been able 2 prove 2 me that the Earth is round.” Rapper B.o.B. posted his own tweet of himself recreating the Bedford Level Experiment, writing, “Where is the curve? Please explain this.” While several people have taken up B.o.B.’s invitation to “explain this,” none have been able to convince him that the Earth is round. Kyrie Irving has expressed his belief of flat Earth in many interviews, stating, “It’s right in front of our faces. They lie to us.” He also pointed out in the same interview that he was “intellectually stable,” which means there’s no chance that he’s delusional. Whether you’re a fan of basketball, hip-hop, or rap, there is a flat Earth icon for you.

            When introduced to the concept of round Earth, there are many questions that one asks. One of the more popular being: how does magnetism work? We know for a fact that compasses point “North” (which is really towards the center of the disc), and most people believe that this is caused by the magnetic property of round Earth. It would be impossible for a unipolar magnet to exist, which leads many to say that a flat Earth would be impossible. While there is no such unipolar magnet, there are ring magnets which are shaped like flat discs. These can be radially magnetized, with one “pole” at the center of the disc, and the other “pole” at the outer edge. This is how the Earth’s magnetic field is generated, and all the compasses which we think are pointing to the top are actually pointing to the very center. The same kind of magnets can be found in loudspeakers, which perfectly represent the magnetization of the Earth.

            While there is a simple answer to the magnetization question, there are still many questions to be answered. For example: what about the moon? What about satellite images? How does gravity work? Where is the sun/how does it orbit? Are the other planets flat? What about other stars? And most importantly: where is the edge? I will cover all of these questions, starting with the easiest one: satellite images. There are no satellites. Instead the Flat Earth Society believes in so-called “stratellites.” For example, satellites like the ISS are actually much lower than we think they are, in the stratosphere. Every satellite “image” you find is actually a computer-generated reconstruction, photoshopped and edited to represent round Earth. The same can be said for any rocket launches, rovers, or moon landings. Additionally, satellites are not required for GPS to function. GPS is instead achieved by triangulation from multiple radio towers on the Earth’s surface. Of course, this poses another problem, as it implies every country in the world (including Russia, North Korea, and China) is working together to fool the public into believing round Earth. They are. It is important to remember that all countries are run by puppet governments controlled by the illuminati.

            When discussing flat Earth, the sun and moon open up a whole new can of worms. For example, people question orbit, changes of the seasons, lunar eclipses, the moon landing, etc. The sun itself is a sphere, with a diameter of 32 miles; it is about 3000 miles above the Earth’s surface (contrary to the 92 million mile figure often perpetrated by scientists). The sun and moon actually hover over the flat Earth, spinning in a circle around the North Pole. The seasons change as the sun moves closer and farther away from the pole. It is also important to note that they aren’t held up by any sort of “orbit,” as there is no such thing as gravity (I will expand on this later). The moon is the exact same size and distance from the Earth as the sun. It is common knowledge that the moon landing never happened, but that doesn’t explain the phenomena of eclipses and moon phases. There is a largely unknown third body in the sky, known as the “Shadow Object.” This is the same size as the sun and moon, but orbits slightly under them. Eclipses are caused when this Shadow Object passes in front of the sun. The phases of the moon change depending on where the sun is relative to the moon, as it may only be lighting a portion of it at one time.

            As discussed earlier, there is no such thing as gravity. This is incompatible with the flat Earth model, as it requires a large sphere in order to operate. Instead, things are pulled to the ground by the principle of Universal Acceleration. Basically, the Earth is traveling upwards at 9.8 meters per second, which causes everything on it to appear as if they are being pulled towards it. Just imagine being pressed onto a car seat when driving quickly, or into an airplane when taking off. This model is supported by the Equivalence Principle in physics, which explains why people feel as though they are pulled towards the Earth. However, there is one thing that Universal Acceleration does not explain, and that’s the ocean. If the Earth were a flat disc being soaring through space at 9.8 meters per second, all the water would seep off the sides. Thankfully, we have the ice wall to hold everything in. As discussed earlier, Antarctica is really a ring of ice which surrounds the flat Earth. This ring is very tall, forming a sort of wall, which flat Earthers call the ice wall. This is what holds in all the water in the ocean. So, to be more accurate, Earth is really shaped like a pan with some water inside it, if the edge of the pan was made of ice.

            The second most common question asked to flat Earthers is: are the other planets flat? The Flat Earth society does officially believe in the existence of other planets, and believes them to be round. This means that Earth may very well be the only flat planet in the universe. This was confirmed by a Twitter exchange between Elon Musk and the official Flat Earth Society Twitter page, with Musk asking, “Why is there no Flat Mars Society!?” and the society answering, “Unlike the Earth, Mars has been observed to be round.” It would be ridiculous to say that other planets are flat, as we can see with our own eyes that they are round. By contrast, the only evidence we can see that suggests the Earth is round comes from NASA and “Big Globe,” an agency dedicated to spreading lies and ignorance throughout the world. The Flat Earth Society concluded their tweet by saying, “We hope you have a fantastic day!”

            Despite round Earth’s clear lack of evidence, there are people who claim to have seen proof with their own eyes. This is not only limited to astronauts and political figures, as average people claim to have seen a curve when riding an airplane, or boats and objects “disappearing” into the horizon. Many have claimed that, if the Earth were flat, they would be able to see Mt. Everest from their backyards. However, there is an explanation. It is logistically impossible to see the “curve” of the Earth from an airplane seat. You would have to be at an altitude of at least 40,000 feet to see any curve, while most commercial airlines fly at 36,000 feet. It is possible that the small, rounded window of an aircraft creates the illusion of a round Earth. In addition, the effect of a “sinking” ship is purely perceptual, caused by our inability to see things at a distance. To put it simply, the reason we can’t see things when they’re far away is because they’re far away. If people had better eyesight, then they would be able to see Mt. Everest from their backyards.

            While we may not see the curve of the Earth with our own eyes, we can certainly see weather and the presence of an atmosphere. While a round atmosphere cannot exist, a flat “atmolayer” composed of several gases can exist. The atmolayer is made up of layers of gases, from the tropolayer, to the stratolayer, to the mesolayer, to the ionolayer. There are two theories as to how these gases stay on the Earth’s surface. One suggests that the Ice Wall holds in all the gas, while another theory suggests that a Dark Energy Field stops all the gas from leaking out the sides. Any weather phenomenon attributed to round Earth can actually be created by flat geography; for example, a rain shadow can be caused by mountains physically blocking the path of a cloud. The tropic equator is actually a ring around the planet, where the sun most frequently hovers over. Earthquakes can still be formed by the movements of teutonic plates.

            The number one commonly most asked question in any flat Earth discussion is, “Where is the edge?” Of course, if we could find the edge of the flat Earth, it would prove beyond any doubt that the Earth is flat. The reason you can’t fall off the edge of flat Earth is due to the “Pac-Man Effect.” In the popular arcade game Pac-Man, exiting off a hole in the right side of the screen makes you appear on the left side of the screen. In real life, getting too close to the horizon teleports you to the other side of the planet. The mechanics behind this effect are not yet understood, but it does explain the apparent lack of an “edge” that the flat Earth has. So, if you’re looking for a fun way to introduce your kids to flat Earth, Pac-Man is a good place to start.

            The Earth is flat. Hopefully, using the experiments, counterarguments, and your own judgment, you have also come to realize the truth of flat Earth. I don’t blame people for being reluctant to believe, as most schools still teach the outdated round Earth model. However, the growing number of flat Earth believers and proof is causing many to question how they view the world, and the relatively new invention of the internet and social media is causing even more growth to the flat Earth movement. Pretty soon, there may even be more flat Earthers than round Earthers. While we can still look back at the round Earth heroes of the past like Christopher Columbus, we can also look forward, to a future of flat Earth.
